Kafka: implementing stream architectures


Hi, dear readers! Welcome to my blog. On this post, we will learn about Apache Kafka, a distributed messaging system which is being used on lots of streaming solutions.

This article will be divided on several sections, allowing the reader to not only understand the concepts behind but also a lab to exercise the concepts in practice. So, without further delay, let’s begin!

Kafka architecture


Kafka is a distributed messaging system created by Linkedin. On Kafka, we have stream data structures called topics, which can be consumed by several clients, organized on consumer groups. This topics are stored on a Kafka cluster, where which node is called a broker.

Kafka’s ecosystem also need a Zookeeper cluster in order to run. Zookeeper is a key-value  storage solution, which on Kafka’s context is used to store metadata. Several operations such as topic creation are done on Zookeeper, instead of in the brokers.

The main difference from Kafka to other messaging solutions that utilizes classic topic structures is that on Kafka we have offsets. Offsets act like cursors, pointing to the last location a consumer and/or producer has reached consuming/producing messages for a given topic on a given partition.

Partitions on Kafka are like shards on some NOSQL databases: they divide the data, organizing by partition and/or message keys (more about this when we talk about ingesting data on Kafka).

So, on Kafka, we have producers ingesting data, controlled by producer offsets, while we have consumers consuming data from topics, also with their offsets. The main advantages on this approach are:

  • Data can be read and replayed by consumers, since there’s no link between consumed data and produced data. This also allows to implement solutions with back-pressure, that is, solutions where consumers can poll data according to their processing limits;
  • Data can be retained for more time, since on streams, different from classic topics, data is not removed from the structure after been sent to all consumers. It is also possible to compress the data on the stream, allowing Kafka clusters to retain lots of data on their streams;

Kafka’s offsets explained

The following  diagram illustrates a Kafka topic on the run:


Kafka Topic producer/consumer offsets

On the diagram, we can see a topic with 2 partitions. Each little rectangle represents a offset pointing to a location on the topic. On the producer side, we can see 2 offsets pointing to the topic’s head, showing our producer ingesting data on topic.

On Kafka, each partition is assigned to a broker and each broker is responsible for delivering production/consumption for that partition. The broker responsible for this is called a partition leader on Kafka.

How many partitions are needed for a topic? The main factor for this point is the desired throughput for production/consumption. Several factors are key for the throughput, such as the producer ack type, number of replicas etc.

Too much partitions are also something to take care when planning a new topic, as too much partitions can hinder availability and end-to-end latency, alongside memory consumption on the client side – remember that both producer and consumer can operate with several partitions at the same time. This article is a excellent reference for this matter.

On the consumer side, we see some interesting features. Each consumer has his own offset, consuming data from just one partition. This is a important concept on Kafka: each consumer is responsible for consuming one partition on Kafka and each consumer group consumes the data individually, that is, there is no relation between the consumption of one group and the others.

We can see this on the diagram, where the offsets from one group are on different positions from the others. All Kafka offsets are stored on a internal topic inside Kafka’s cluster, both producer and consumer offsets. Offsets are committed (updated) on the cluster using auto-commit or by committing manually on code, analogous as relational database commits. We will see more about this when coding our own consumer.

What happens when there’s more partitions than consumers? When this happens, Kafka’s delivers data from more then one partition to the same consumer, as we can see bellow. It is important to note that it is possible to increase the number of consumers on a group, avoiding this situation altogether:


The same consumer consuming from more then one partition on Kafka

One important thing to notice is what happens on the opposite situation, when there is less partitions than consumers configured:


Idle consumers on Kafka

As we can see, on this case, we end up with idle consumers, that won’t process any messages until a new partition is created. This is important to keep in mind when setting a new consumer on Kafka, as increasing too much the number of consumers will just end up with idle resources not been used at all.

One of the key features on Kafka is that it guarantees message ordering. This ordering is done on the messages within the same partition, but not on the whole topic. That means that when we consume data from Kafka with our consumers, the data across the partitions is read on parallel, but data from the same partition is read with a single thread, guaranteeing the order.

IMPORTANT: As stated on Kafka’s documentation, it is not recommended to process data coming from Kafka in parallel, as it will scramble the messages order. The recommended way to scale the solution is by adding more partitions, as it will add more threads to process data on parallel, without losing the ordering inside the partitions.

Partitions on Kafka are always written on a single mount point on disk. They are written on files, that are splitted when they reach a certain amount of data, or a certain time period – 1GB or 1 week of data respectively by default, whatever  it comes first – that are called log segments. The more recent log segment, that represents the data ingested up to the head of the stream is called active segment and it is never deleted. The older segments are removed from disk according to the retention policies configured.


In order to guarantee data availability, Kafka works with replicas. When creating a topic, we define how much replicas we want  to have for each partition on the topic. If we configure we want 3 replicas, for example, that means that for a topic with 2 partitions, we will have 6 replicas from that topic, plus the 2 active partitions.

Kafka replicates the data just like we would do by hand: brokers that are responsible for maintaining the replicas – called partition followers – will subscribe for the topic and keep reading data from the partition leader and writing to their replicas. Followers that have data up-to-date with the leader are called In-Synch replicas. Replicas can become out of synch for example due to network issues, that causes the synching process to be slow and lag behind the leader to a unacceptable point.


When a rebalance occurs, for example if a broker is down, all the writing/reading from partitions that broker was a partition leader are ceased. The cluster elects a new partition leader, from one of the IS (In-Synch) replicas, and so the writing/reading is resumed.

During this period, applications that were using the old leader to publish data will receive a specific error when trying to use the partition, indicating that a rebalance is occurring (unless we configure the producer to just deliver the messages without any acknowledgment, which we will see in more detail on the next sections). On the consumer side, it is possible to implement a rebalance listener, which can clean up the work for when the partition is available again.

It is important to notice that, as a broker is down, it could be possible that some messages won’t be committed, causing messages to be processed twice when the partition processing is resumed.

What happens if a broker is down and no IS replicas are available? That depends on what we configured on the cluster. If unclean election is disabled, then all processing is suspended on that partition, until the broker that was down comes back again. If unclean election is enabled, then one of the brokers that were a follower is elected as leader.

Off course, each option has his advantages: without unclean election, we can lose the partition in case we can’t restart the lost broker, but with unclean election, we risk losing some messages, since their offsets will be overwritten by the new leader, when new data arrives at the partition.

If the old leader comes back again, it will resume the partition’s processing as a new follower, and it will not insert the lost messages in case of a unclean election.

Kafka’s producer explained

On this section, we will learn the internals that compose a Kafka producer, responsible for sending messages to Kafka topics. When working with the producer, we create ProducerRecords, that we send to Kafka by using the producer.

Producer architecture

Kafka producer internal structure is divided as we can see on the following diagram:


Kafka Producer internal details

As we can see, there is a lot going on when producing messages to Kafka. First, as said before, we create a ProducerRecord, that consist of 3 sections:

  • Partition Key: The partition key is a optional field. If it is passed, it indicates the partition that it must be sent the message too;
  • Message Key: The message key is a required field. If no partition key is passed, the partitioner will use this field to determine on which partition it will send the message. Kafka guarantees that all messages for a same given message key will always be sent to the same partition – as long as the number of partitions on a topic stay the same;
  • Value (payload): The value field is a required field and, as obvious, is the message itself that must be sended;

All the fields from the ProducerRecord must be serialized to byte arrays before sent to Kafka, so that’s exactly what is done by the Serializer at the first step of our sending – we will see later on our lab that we always define a serializer for our keys and  value – , after that, the records are sent to the Partitioner, that determines the partition to send the message.

The Partitioner then send the message to bulk processes, running on different threads, that “stack” the messages until a threshold is reached – a certain number of bytes or a certain time without new messages, whatever  it comes first – and finally, after the threshold is reached, the messages are sent to the Kafka broker.

Let’s keep in mind  that, as we saw before, brokers are elected as partition leaders for partitions on topics, so when sending the messages, they are sent directly to the partition leader’s broker.

Acknowledgment types

Kafka’s producer works with 3 types of acks (acknowledgments) that a message has been successfully sent. The types are:

  • ack=0: The producer just send the message and don’t wait for a confirmation, even from the partition leader. Of course, this is fastest option to deliver messages, but there is also risk of message loss;
  • ack=1: The producer waits for the partition leader to reply that wrote the message before moving on. This option is more safe, however, there is also some degree of risk, since a partition leader can go down just after the acknowledgement without repassing the message to any replica;
  • ack=all: The producer waits for the partition leader and all IS replicas to write before moving on. This option is naturally the safest of all, but there is also the disadvantage of possible performance issues, due to waiting for all network replication to occur before continuing. This aggravates when there is no IS replicas at the moment, as it will hold the production until at least one replica is made;

Which one to use? That depends on the characteristics of the solution we are working with. A ack=0 could be useful on a solution that works with lots of messages that are not critic in case of losses – monitoring events, for example, are short-lived information that could be lost at certain degree – unlike, for example, bank account transactions, where ack=all is a must, since message losses are unacceptable on this kind of application.

Producer configurations

There are several configurations that could be made on the producer. Here we have some of the more basic and interesting ones to know:

  • bootstrap.servers: A list of Kafka brokers for the producer to communicate with. This list is updated automatically when brokers are added/removed from the cluster, but it is advised to set at least 2 brokers, as the producer won’t start if just one broker is set and the broker is down;
  • key.serializer: The serializer that it will be used when transforming the keys to byte arrays. Of course, the serializer class will depend on the keys type been used;
  • value.serializer: The serializer that it will be used to transform the message to a byte array. When using complex types such as Java objects, it is possible to use one of the several out-of-box serializers, or implement your own;
  • acks: This is where we define the acknowledgement type, as we saw previously;
  • batch.size: This is the amount of memory the bulk process will wait to stack it up until reached to send the message batches;
  • linger.ms: The amount of time, in milliseconds, the producer will wait for new messages, before sending the messages it has buffered. Of course, if the batch.size is reached first, then the message batch is sent before reaching this threshold;
  • max.in.flight.requests.per.connection: This parameters defines how many messages the producer will send before waiting for responses from Kafka (if ack is not set as 0, of course). As stated on Kafka’s documentation, this configuration must be set to 1 to guarantee the messages on Kafka will be written at the same order  they are sent by the producer;
  • client.id: This parameter can be set with any string value and identifies the producer on the Kafka cluster. It is used by the cluster to build metrics and logging;
  • compression.type: This parameter define a compression to be used on messages, before they are sent to Kafka. It supports snappy, gzip and lz4 formats. By default, no compression is used;
  • retries: This parameter defines how many times the producer will retry sending a message to a broker, before notifying the application that a error has occurred;
  • retry.backoff.ms: This parameter defines how many milliseconds the producer will wait between the retries. By default, the time is 100ms;

Kafka’s consumer explained

On this section, we will learn the internals that compose a Kafka consumer, responsible for reading messages from Kafka topics.

Consumer architecture

Kafka consumer internal structure is divided as we can see on the following diagram:


Kafka consumer internal details

When we request a Kafka broker to create a consumer group for one or more topics, the broker creates a Consumer Group Coordinator. Each broker has a group coordinator for the partitions it is the partition leader.

This component is responsible for deciding which consumer will be responsible for consuming which partitions, by the rules we talked about on the offsets section. It is also responsible for checking consumers health, by establishing heartbeat frequencies to be sent at intervals. If a consumer fails to send heartbeats, it is considered unhealthy, so Kafka delegates the partitions assigned to that consumer to another one.

The consumer, on his turn, uses a deserializer to convert the messages from byte arrays to the required types. Like with the producer, we can also use several different types of out-of-box deserializers, as well as creating our own.

IMPORTANT: Kafka consumer must always run on the main thread. If you try to create a consumer and delegate to run on another thread, there’s a check on the consumer that will thrown a error. This is due to Kafka consumer not been thread safe. The recommended way to scale a application that consumes from Kafka is by creating new application instances, each one running his own consumer on the same consumer group.

One important point to take note is that, when a message is delivered to Kafka, it only becomes available to consume after it is properly replicated to all IS replicas for his respective partition. This is important to ensure data availability, but it also means that messages can take a significant amount of time to be delivered for consuming.

Kafka works with the concept of back-pressure. This means that applications are responsible for asking for new chunks of messages to process, allowing clients to process data at their paces.

Commit strategies

kafka works with 3 commit strategies, to know:

  • Auto-commit: On this strategy, messages are marked as committed as soon as they are successfully consumed from the broker. The downside of this approach is that messages that were not processed correctly could be lost due to already been committed;
  • Synchronous manual commit: On this strategy, messages are manually committed synchronously. This is the safest option, but has the downside of hindering the performance, as commits become more slow;
  • Asynchronous manual commit: On this strategy, messages are manually committed asynchronously. This option has better performance then the previous one as commits are done on a separate thread, but there is also some level of risk that messages won’t been committed due to some problem, resulting on messages been processed more then once;

Like when we talked about acknowledgement types, the best commit strategy to be used depends on the characteristics of the solution been implemented.

Consumer configurations

There are several configurations that could be made on the consumer. Here we have some of the more basic and interesting ones to know:

  • fetch.min.bytes: This defines the minimum amount of bytes a consumer wants to receive from a bulk of messages. The consumer will wait for this minimum to be reached, or a time limit to process messages, as defined on other config;
  • max.partition.fetch.bytes: As opposite to the previous config, this defines the maximum size, in bytes, that we want to receive on the chunk of data we asked for Kafka. As previously, if the time limit is reached first, Kafka will sent the messages it have;
  • fetch.max.wait.ms: As we talked on previous configs, this is the property that we define the time limit, on milliseconds, for Kafka to wait for more messages to fetch, before sending what it have to the consumer application;
  • auto.offset.reset: This defines what the consumer will do when first reading from a partition it never readed before or it has a invalid commit offset, for example if a consumer was down for so long that his last committed offset has already been purged from the partition. The default is latest, which means it will start reading from the newest records. The other option is earliest, on that case, the consumer will read all messages from the partition, since the beginning;
  • session.timeout.ms: This property defines the time limit for which a consumer must sent a heartbeat to still be considered healthy. The default is 3 seconds.

IMPORTANT: heartbeats are sent at each polling and/or commits made by the consumer. This means that, on the poll loop, we must be careful with the processing time, as if it passes the session timeout period, Kafka will consider the consumer unhealthy and it will redeliver the messages to another consumer.


Well, that was a lot to cover. Now that we learned Kafka main concepts, let’s begin our hands-on Kafka and learn what we talked in practice!

Set up

Unfortunately, there is no official  Kafka Docker image. So, for our lab, we will use Zookeeper and Kafka images provided by wurstmeister (thanks, man!). At the end, we can see links for his images.

Also at the end of the article, we can find a repository with the sources for this lab. There is also a docker compose stack that could be found there to get a Kafka cluster up and running. This is the stack:

version: '2'
image: wurstmeister/zookeeper
- "2181:2181"
image: wurstmeister/kafka
- "9092"

- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

In order to run a cluster with 3 nodes, we can run the following commands:

export MY_IP=`ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}'`
docker-compose up -d --scale kafka=3

To stop it, just run:

docker-compose stop

On our repo’s lab there is also a convenient bash script that set up a 3 node Kafka cluster without the need to enter the commands above every time.

Coding the producer

Now that we have our environment, let’s begin our lab. First, we need to create our topic. To create a topic, we need to use a shell inside one of the brokers, pointing Zookeeper address as a parameter – some operations, such as topic CRUD operations, are done pointing to Zookeeper instead of Kafka. There is plans to move all operations to be done on brokers directly on next releases – alongside other parameters. Assuming we have a terminal with MY_IP environment variable set, this can be done using the following command:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh 
--create --zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --replication-factor 1 
--partitions 2 --topic test

PS: All commands assume the name of the Kafka containers follows docker compose naming standards. If running on the lab repo, it will be created as kafkalab_kafka_1,kafkalab_kafka_2,etc

On the previous command, we created a topic named test with replication factor of 1 and 2 partitions. We can check if the topic was created by running the list topics command, as follows:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh 
--list --zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181

This will return a list of topics that exist on Zookeeper, on this case, “test”.

Now, let’s create a producer. All code on this lab will be done on Java, using Kafka’s APIs. After creating a Java project, we will code our own producer wrapper. Let’s begin by creating the wrapper itself:

package com.alexandreesl.producer;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;

public class MyProducer {

  private KafkaProducer producer;

  public MyProducer() throws UnknownHostException {

    InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();

    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    Properties kafkaProps = new Properties();
    kafkaProps.put("bootstrap.servers", builder.toString());
    kafkaProps.put("acks", "all");
    producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(kafkaProps);


  public void sendMessage(String topic, String key, String message) 
throws Exception {

    ProducerRecord<String, String> record = 
new ProducerRecord<>(topic,
        key, message);
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw e;


The code is very simple. We just defined the addresses from 2 brokers of our cluster – docker composer will automatically define ports for the brokers, so we need to change the ports accordingly to our environment first – ,  key and value serializers and set the acknowledgement type, on our case all, marking that we want all  replicas to be made before confirming the commit.

PS: Did you noticed the get() method been called after send()? This is because the send method is asynchronous by default. As we want to wait for Kafka to write the message before ending, we call get() to make the call synchronous.

The main class that uses our wrapper class is as follows:

package com.alexandreesl;

import com.alexandreesl.producer.MyProducer;

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    MyProducer producer = new MyProducer();

    producer.sendMessage("test", "mysuperkey", "my value");



As we can see, is a very simple class, just instantiate the class and use it.  If we run it, we will see the following output on terminal, with Kafka’s commit Id at the end, showing our producer is correctly implemented:

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig - 
ProducerConfig values: [main] 
INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig - 
ProducerConfig values:  
acks = all batch.size = 16384 
bootstrap.servers = [,] 
buffer.memory = 33554432 client.id =  
compression.type = none 
connections.max.idle.ms = 540000 
enable.idempotence = false 
interceptor.classes = null 
key.serializer = class 
linger.ms = 0 max.block.ms = 60000 
max.in.flight.requests.per.connection = 5 
max.request.size = 1048576 
metadata.max.age.ms = 300000 
metric.reporters = [] 
metrics.num.samples = 2 
metrics.recording.level = INFO 
metrics.sample.window.ms = 30000 
partitioner.class = class 
receive.buffer.bytes = 32768 
reconnect.backoff.max.ms = 1000 
reconnect.backoff.ms = 50 
request.timeout.ms = 30000 
retries = 0 
retry.backoff.ms = 100 
sasl.jaas.config = null 
sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd = /usr/bin/kinit 
sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin = 60000 
sasl.kerberos.service.name = null 
sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter = 0.05 
sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor = 0.8 
sasl.mechanism = GSSAPI 
security.protocol = PLAINTEXT 
send.buffer.bytes = 131072 
ssl.cipher.suites = null 
ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1] 
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = null 
ssl.key.password = null ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509 
ssl.keystore.location = null ssl.keystore.password = null 
ssl.keystore.type = JKS 
ssl.protocol = TLS ssl.provider = null 
ssl.secure.random.implementation = null 
ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX 
ssl.truststore.location = null 
ssl.truststore.password = null 
ssl.truststore.type = JKS 
transaction.timeout.ms = 60000 
transactional.id = null value.serializer = class 

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser - 
Kafka version :
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser - 
Kafka commitId : 73be1e1168f91ee2

Process finished with exit code 0

Now that we have our producer implemented, let’s move on to the consumer.

Coding the consumer

Now, let’s code our consumer. First, we create a consumer wrapper, like the following:

package com.alexandreesl.consumer;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer;

public class MyConsumer {

  private KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer;

  public MyConsumer() throws UnknownHostException {

    InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();

    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    Properties kafkaProps = new Properties();
    kafkaProps.put("bootstrap.servers", builder.toString());
    kafkaProps.put("group.id", "MyConsumerGroup");
    consumer = new KafkaConsumer<String, String>(kafkaProps);


  public void consume(String topic) {


    try {
      while (true) {
        ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);
        for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
          System.out.println("Key: " + record.key());
          System.out.println("Value: " + record.value());
    } finally {



On wrapper, we subscribed to our test topic, configuring a ConsumerGroup ID and deserializers for our messages. When we call the subscribe method,  ConsumerGroupCoordinators are updated on the brokers, making the cluster allocate partitions for us on topics we asked for consumption, as long as there is no more consumers than partitions, like we talked about previously.

Then, we create the consume method, which has a infinite loop to keep consuming messages from topic. On our case, we just keep calling the poll method, which returns a List of messages – on default settings, up to 100 messages -, print keys and values of messages and keep polling. At the end, we close the connection.

On our example, we can notice we didn’t explicit commit the messages at any point. This is because we are using default settings, so it is doing auto-commit. As we talked previously, using auto-commit can be a option on some solutions, depending on the situation.

Now, let’s change our main class to allow us to produce and consume using the same program and also allowing to input messages to produce. We do this by adding some input parameters, as follows:

package com.alexandreesl;

import com.alexandreesl.consumer.MyConsumer;
import com.alexandreesl.producer.MyProducer;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

    System.out.println("Please select operation" + " 
(1 for producer, 2 for consumer) :");

    String operation = scanner.next();

    System.out.println("Please enter topic name :");

    String topic = scanner.next();

    if (operation.equals("1")) {

      MyProducer producer = new MyProducer();

      System.out.println("Please enter key :");

      String key = scanner.next();

      System.out.println("Please enter value :");

      String value = scanner.next();

      producer.sendMessage(topic, key, value);
    } else if (operation.equals("2")) {

      MyConsumer consumer = new MyConsumer();





If we run our code, we will see some interesting output on console, such as the consumer joining the ConsumerGroupCoordinator and been assigned to partitions. At the end it will print the messages we send as the producer, proving our coding was successful.

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Discovered coordinator (id: 2147482646 rack: null) 
for group MyConsumerGroup.
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator - 
Revoking previously assigned partitions [] for group MyConsumerGroup
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator - 
(Re-)joining group MyConsumerGroup 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator - 
Successfully joined group MyConsumerGroup with generation 2 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator - 
Setting newly assigned partitions [test-1, test-0] for group MyConsumerGroup 
Key: mysuperkey 
Value: my value

Manual committing

Now that we know the basis to producing/consuming Kafka streams, let’s dive in on more details about Kafka’s consumer. We saw previously that our example used default auto-commit to commit offsets after reading. We do this by changing the code as follows:

package com.alexandreesl.consumer;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer;

public class MyConsumer {

  private KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer;

  public MyConsumer() throws UnknownHostException {

    InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();

    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    Properties kafkaProps = new Properties();
    kafkaProps.put("bootstrap.servers", builder.toString());
    kafkaProps.put("group.id", "MyConsumerGroup");
    kafkaProps.put("enable.auto.commit", "false");
    consumer = new KafkaConsumer<String, String>(kafkaProps);


  public void consume(String topic) {


    try {
      while (true) {
        ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);
        for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
          System.out.println("Key: " + record.key());
          System.out.println("Value: " + record.value());



    } finally {



If we run our code, we will see that it will continue to consume messages, as expected:

Please select operation (1 for producer, 2 for consumer) :2
Please enter topic name :test
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig - 
ConsumerConfig values:  auto.commit.interval.ms = 5000 
auto.offset.reset = latest 
bootstrap.servers = [,] 
check.crcs = true client.id =  
connections.max.idle.ms = 540000 
enable.auto.commit = true 
exclude.internal.topics = true 
fetch.max.bytes = 52428800 
fetch.max.wait.ms = 500 
fetch.min.bytes = 1 
group.id = MyConsumerGroup 
heartbeat.interval.ms = 3000 
interceptor.classes = null 
internal.leave.group.on.close = true 
isolation.level = read_uncommitted 
key.deserializer = class 
max.partition.fetch.bytes = 1048576 
max.poll.interval.ms = 300000 
max.poll.records = 500 
metadata.max.age.ms = 300000 
metric.reporters = [] 
metrics.num.samples = 2 
metrics.recording.level = INFO 
metrics.sample.window.ms = 30000 
partition.assignment.strategy = 
[class org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor] 
receive.buffer.bytes = 65536 reconnect.backoff.max.ms = 1000 
reconnect.backoff.ms = 50 request.timeout.ms = 305000 
retry.backoff.ms = 100 sasl.jaas.config = null

sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd = /usr/bin/kinit 
sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin = 60000 
sasl.kerberos.service.name = null 
sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter = 0.05 
sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor = 0.8 
sasl.mechanism = GSSAPI security.protocol = PLAINTEXT 
send.buffer.bytes = 131072 session.timeout.ms = 10000 
ssl.cipher.suites = null ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1] 
ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = null ssl.key.password = null 
ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509 
ssl.keystore.location = null 
ssl.keystore.password = null 
ssl.keystore.type = JKS ssl.protocol = TLS ssl.provider = null 
ssl.secure.random.implementation = null 
ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX ssl.truststore.location = null 
ssl.truststore.password = null ssl.truststore.type = JKS 
value.deserializer = class 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser - 
Kafka version :[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser - 
Kafka commitId : 73be1e1168f91ee2
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Discovered coordinator 
(id: 2147482645 rack: null) for group MyConsumerGroup.
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Revoking previously assigned partitions [] for group MyConsumerGroup
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 (Re-)joining group MyConsumerGroup
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Successfully joined group MyConsumerGroup with generation 6
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Setting newly assigned partitions [test-1, test-0] 
for group MyConsumerGroup
Key: key
Value: value
Key: my
Value: key

On our example, we used synch committing, that is, the main thread is blocked waiting for the commit before start reading the next batch of messages. We can change this just by changing the commit method, as follows:

public void consume(String topic) {


  try {
    while (true) {
      ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);
      for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
        System.out.println("Key: " + record.key());
        System.out.println("Value: " + record.value());



  } finally {


One last thing to check before we move on is committing specific offsets. On our previous examples, we committed all messages at once. If we wanted to do, for example, a asynch commit as messages are processed, we can do the following:

public void consume(String topic) {


  try {
    while (true) {
      ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);
      for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
        System.out.println("Key: " + record.key());
        System.out.println("Value: " + record.value());

        HashMap<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets = 
new HashMap<>();

        offsets.put(new TopicPartition(record.topic(), record.partition()),
            new OffsetAndMetadata(record.offset() + 1, "no metadata"));

        consumer.commitAsync(offsets, null);


  } finally {


Assigning to specific partitions

On our examples, we delegate to Kafka which partitions the consumers will consume. If we want to specify the partitions a consumer will be assigned to, we can use the assign method.

It is important to notice that this approach is not very recommended, as consumers won’t be replaced automatically by others when going down, neither new partitions will be added for consuming before been explicit assigned to a consumer.

On the example bellow, we do this, by marking that we want just to consume messages from one partition:

public void consume(String topic) {

  List partitions = new ArrayList<>();

  List partitionInfos = null;
  partitionInfos = consumer.partitionsFor(topic);
  if (partitionInfos != null) {
        new TopicPartition(partitionInfos.get(0).topic(), 


  try {
    while (true) {
      ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);

      for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
        System.out.println("Key: " + record.key());
        System.out.println("Value: " + record.value());

        HashMap<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets = new HashMap<>();

        offsets.put(new TopicPartition(record.topic(), record.partition()),
            new OffsetAndMetadata(record.offset() + 1, "no metadata"));

        consumer.commitAsync(offsets, null);


  } finally {


Consumer rebalance

When consuming from a topic, we can scale consumption by adding more instances of our application, by parallelizing the processing. Let’s see this on practice.

First, let’s start a consumer. After initializing, we can see it joined both partitions from our topic:

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Discovered coordinator (id: 2147482645 rack: null) 
for group MyConsumerGroup. 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Revoking previously assigned partitions [] 
for group MyConsumerGroup [main] INFO 
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator - 
(Re-)joining group MyConsumerGroup 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Successfully joined group MyConsumerGroup with generation 18 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Setting newly assigned partitions [test-1, test-0] for group 

Now, let’s start another consumer. We will see that, as soon it joins the ConsumerGroupCoordinator, it will be assigned to one of the partitions:

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Discovered coordinator 
(id: 2147482645 rack: null) 
for group MyConsumerGroup. 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Revoking previously assigned partitions [] for group MyConsumerGroup 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 (Re-)joining group MyConsumerGroup 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Successfully joined group MyConsumerGroup with generation 19 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Setting newly assigned partitions [test-0] for group MyConsumerGroup

And if we see our old consumer, we will see that will be now reading from the other partition only:

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 (Re-)joining group MyConsumerGroup 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Successfully joined group MyConsumerGroup with generation 19 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Setting newly assigned partitions [test-1] for group MyConsumerGroup

This show us the power of Kafka ConsumerGroup Coordinator, that takes care of everything for us.

But, it is important to notice that, on real scenarios, we can implement listeners that are invoked when partitions are revoked to other consumers due to rebalance and before a partition starts consumption on his new consumer. This can be done by implementing the ConsumerRebalanceListener interface, as follows:

package com.alexandreesl.listener;

import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRebalanceListener;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;

public class MyConsumerRebalanceInterface implements 
ConsumerRebalanceListener {

  public void onPartitionsRevoked(Collection partitions) {
    System.out.println("I am losing the following partitions:");
    for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {

  public void onPartitionsAssigned(Collection partitions) {
    System.out.println("I am starting on the following partitions:");
    for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {

Of course, this is just a mock implementation. On a real implementation, we would be doing tasks such as committing offsets – if we buffered our commits on blocks before committing instead of committing one by one, that would turn out to be a necessity -, closing connections, etc.

We add our new listener by passing him as parameter to the subscribe() method, as follows:

public void consume(String topic) {

new MyConsumerRebalanceInterface());

  try {
    while (true) {
      ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);

      for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
        System.out.println("Key: " + record.key());
        System.out.println("Value: " + record.value());

        HashMap<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets = new HashMap<>();

        offsets.put(new TopicPartition(record.topic(), record.partition()),
            new OffsetAndMetadata(record.offset() + 1, "no metadata"));

        consumer.commitAsync(offsets, null);


  } finally {


Now, let’s terminate all our previously started consumers and start them again. When starting the first consumer, we will see the following outputs on terminal:

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Discovered coordinator (id: 2147482645 rack: null) 
for group MyConsumerGroup. 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Revoking previously assigned partitions [] for group 
MyConsumerGroup I am losing the following partitions: 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 (Re-)joining group MyConsumerGroup 
I am starting on the following partitions:
 1 0 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator - 
Successfully joined group MyConsumerGroup with generation 21 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Setting newly assigned partitions [test-1, test-0] 
for group MyConsumerGroup

That shows our listener was invoked. Let’s now start the second consumer and see what happens:

I am losing the following partitions: 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Discovered coordinator 
(id: 2147482645 rack: null) for group MyConsumerGroup. 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Revoking previously assigned partitions [] for group 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 (Re-)joining group MyConsumerGroup 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Successfully joined group MyConsumerGroup with generation 22 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Setting newly assigned partitions [test-0] 
for group MyConsumerGroup 
I am starting on the following partitions: 0

And finally, if we see the first consumer, we will see that both revoked and reassigned partitions were printed on console, showing our listener was implemented correctly:

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 (Re-)joining group MyConsumerGroup 
I am losing the following partitions: 1 0 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator -
 Successfully joined group MyConsumerGroup with generation 22 
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator -
 Setting newly assigned partitions [test-1] 
for group MyConsumerGroup 
I am starting on the following partitions: 1

PS: Kafka works rebalancing by revoking all partitions and redistributing them. That’s why we see the first consumer losing all partitions before been reassigned to one of the old ones.

Log compaction

Log compaction is a powerful cleanup feature of Kafka. With log compaction, we define a  point from which messages from a same key on a same partition are compacted so only the more recent message is retained.

This is done by setting configurations that establish a compaction entry point and a retention entry point. This entry points consists of time periods, from which Kafka allow messages to keep coming from the producers, but at the same time removing old messages that doesn’t matter anymore. The following diagram explain the system on practice:


Kafka log compaction explained

In order to configure log compaction, we need to introduce some configurations both on cluster and topic. For the cluster, we change our docker compose YAML as follows:

version: '2'
    image: wurstmeister/zookeeper
      - "2181:2181"
    image: wurstmeister/kafka
      - "9092"
      KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:2181

      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

This change is needed due to log cleaning not been enabled by default on Kafka. Then, we change our topic configuration with the following new entries:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh 
--zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --entity-type topics --entity-name test --alter 
--add-config min.compaction.lag.ms=1800000,delete.retention.ms=172800000,

On the command above, we set the compaction entry point – min.compaction.lag.ms – to 30 minutes, so all messages from the head of the stream to 30 minutes after will be on the dirty section. The other config stablished a retention period of 48 hours, so from 30 minutes up to 48 hours, all messages will be on the clean section, where compaction will occur. Messages older than 48 hours will be removed from the stream.

Lastly, we configured the cleanup policy, making compaction enabled. We can check our configs were successfully set by using the following command:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-configs.sh 
--zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --entity-type topics --entity-name test --describe

Which will produce the following output:

Configs for topic 'test' are 

One last thing we need to know before moving on to our next topic is that compaction also allows messages to be removed. If we want a message to be completely removed from our stream, all we need to do is send a message with his key, but with null as value. When sent this way with compaction enabled, it will remove all messages from the stream. This kind of messages are called tombstones on Kafka.

Kafka connect

Kafka connect is a integration framework, like others such as Apache Camel, that ships with Kafka – but runs on a cluster of his own – and allows us to quickly develop integrations from/to Kafka to other systems. It is maintained by Confluence.

This framework deserves a article of his own, so it won’t be covered here. If the reader wants to know more about it, please go to the following link:


Kafka Streams

Kafka Streams is a framework shipped with Kafka that allows us to implement stream applications using Kafka. By stream applications, that means applications that have streams as input and output as well, consisting typically of operations such as aggregation, reduction, etc.

A typical example of a stream application is reading data from 2 different streams and producing a aggregated result from the two on a third stream.

This framework deserves a article of his own, so it won’t be covered here. If the reader wants to know more about it, please go to the following link:


Kafka MirrorMaker

Kafka MirrorMaker is a tool that allows us to mirror Kafka clusters, by making copies from a source cluster to a target cluster, as messages goes in. As with Kafka connect and Streams, is a tool that deserves his own article, so it won’t be covered here. More information about it could be found on the following link:


Kafka administration

Now that we covered most of the developing code to use Kafka, let’s see how to administrate a Kafka cluster. All commands for Kafka administration are done by their shell scripts, like we did previously on our study.

Kafka CRUD topic operations

Let’s begin with basic topic operations. Like we saw before, topics can be created with the following command:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh 
--create --zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 2 
--topic test

Changing topics – not configurations, like we saw on log compaction, but the topic itself, such as the number of partitions  – are done with the same shell, just changing some options:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh 
--alter --zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --partitions 4 --topic test

IMPORTANT: changing partition numbers on topics also can change partition logic, meaning messages that always were sent to a same partition A can be now always sent to a partition B. This is important to watch out as can lead to message ordering issues if not taken with care.

We can search for topics by using the list command, like we did before:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh 
--list --zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181

If we want to delete a topic, we issue the following command. Take note that, if the configuration delete.topic.enabled is not set, the topic will just be marked for deletion, not removed:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh 
--delete --zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --topic test

Other Kafka admin operations

Let’s now see other Kafka admin operations. First, let’s create a new topic to test it out:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh 
--create --zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --replication-factor 1 
--partitions 3 --topic mytopic

The first operation we will see is preferred replica election. When Kafka creates a topic, at first, the partition leaders are spread out as evenly as possible, reducing impact risks on nodes going down. However, after some time, this distribution could be compromised, due to nodes going down and up several times, inducing on several rebalances. This could be specially problematic on a small cluster.

The preferred replica election operation tries to rebalance a topic to as closest as possible to his original partition leader distribution, solving the distribution problem. This is done with the following command:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 
--zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181

IMPORTANT: This command triggers rebalances on all topics from the cluster, so it must be used with care.

We can also trigger rebalance for just one topic, by writing a JSON file like this:

  "partitions": [
      "partition": 1,
      "topic": "mytopic"
      "partition": 2,
      "topic": "mytopic"
      "partition": 3,
      "topic": "mytopic"

And running the command like this:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 
--zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 
--path-to-json-file rebalance-example.json

PS: Before running the command, it is necessary to copy the file to the container where it will run the command.

Another useful command is reassigning of replicas. This is useful, for example, if we want to isolate a broker from the cluster, that it will be removed for maintenance, or if a new broker is added and need to receive his share of topics in order to balance the cluster.

The first step is to generate a file that will be used to request a proposal to partition moves. We write the following file, calling “partition-req.json”:

 "topics": [
 "topic": "mytopic"
 "version": 1

On our stack, we have only 3 nodes, so reassign proposal can fail due to the cluster been so small. We change our start cluster shell as follows and run again:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export MY_IP=`ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}'`
docker-compose up -d --scale kafka=6

We then execute the following command. Remember to copy the file to the container first:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 
--zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --generate 
--topics-to-move-json-file partition-req.json 
--broker-list 1004,1005,1006

IMPORTANT: We can copy the file as follows:

docker cp partition-req.json kafkalab_kafka_1:/partition-req.json

On the command above, we ask Kafka that we want to redistribute the replica set from the current brokers to the brokers 1004,1005 and 1006. We receive the following output, with the actual distribution and a proposed one:

Current partition replica assignment 

Proposed partition reassignment configuration 

The first JSON can be saved for rolling back, in case anything goes wrong. Let’s save the second JSON on a file called replica-proposal.json:


Finally, we run the replica assignment command, using the proposed distribution file as parameter – don’t forget to copy the file to the container first -, as follows:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 
--zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --execute 
--reassignment-json-file replica-proposal.json

We will receive a output like this:

Current partition replica assignment {"version":1,"partitions":

Save this to use as the --reassignment-json-file option during rollback

Successfully started reassignment of partitions.

This means that reassigning is been performed. During this phase, Kafka will redistribute the replicas and copy all data across the new brokers, so depending on the amount of data, this operation can take a lot of time. We can check the status of reassignment by running:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 
--zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --verify 
--reassignment-json-file replica-proposal.json

When reassignment is finished, we will see the following:

Status of partition reassignment: 

Reassignment of partition mytopic-2 completed successfully

Reassignment of partition mytopic-1 completed successfully

Reassignment of partition mytopic-0 completed successfully

We can also check the status of our topics by running the describe command, as follows:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafkadocker exec -t -i 
kafkalab_kafka_1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh 
--zookeeper ${MY_IP}:2181 --describe

After our reassignment, it will output something like this:

Topic:mytopic PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs:

Topic: mytopicPartition: 0Leader: 1006Replicas: 1006Isr: 1006

Topic: mytopicPartition: 1Leader: 1004Replicas: 1004Isr: 1004

Topic: mytopicPartition: 2Leader: 1005Replicas: 1005Isr: 1005

Topic:test PartitionCount:2 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs:

Topic: testPartition: 0Leader: 1003Replicas: 1003Isr: 1003

Topic: testPartition: 1Leader: 1001Replicas: 1001Isr: 1001

Kafka offset lag

Kafka’s offset lag refers to a situation where we have consumers lagging behind the head of a stream. Let’s revisit one of our diagrams from the offsets explained section:


Consumers lagging behind on a stream

As we can see on the diagram above, we have 2 consumers groups in a stream. Consumer group 1 is 3 messages from the stream’s head, while consumer group 2 is 8 messages away. This difference between head and current position of a consumer on a stream is called offset lag.

The causes for a offset lag may vary, ranging from network problems to issues on the consumer application itself. It is important to keep this lag in check by monitoring it. One good tool for this is Burrow, provided by Linkedin. More information about it could be found on the following link:


Testing the cluster

It is important to test our cluster configuration, in order to verify how the cluster will behave on several situations, such as when brokers goes down – with partition leaderships or not -, new brokers goes in, etc.

We can code our own tests for this intent using the VerifiableProducer and VerifiableConsumer interfaces on Apache Kafka’s APIs. The usage for this interfaces are essentially the same as the original ones we saw on our lab.

There is also a read-to-use bash version of this interfaces, that can be used to make some testing. For example, if we wanted to test our cluster by sending 200000 messages to mytopic, we can something like this:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 
--topic mytopic --max-messages 200000 
 ${MY_IP}:<a broker port>,${MY_IP}:<a broker port>

This will produce a output like the following:































And similarly, we can test the consumer by running something like this:

docker exec -t -i kafkalab_kafka_1 
--topic mytopic --max-messages 1000 
--group-id testing 
--broker-list ${MY_IP}:<a broker port>,${MY_IP}:<a broker port>

Which will output something like this:











































And that concludes our study of Apache Kafka. I hope to have passed for the reader a solid explanation of Kafka core concepts, as well as directions for complementary studies on his different usages and applications. Thank you for following me on this post, until next time.

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Social media and sentimental analysis: knowing your clients


Hi, dear readers! Welcome to another post of my blog. On this post, we will talk about social media and sentimental analysis, seeing how she is revolutionizing the way companies are targeting their clients.

Social media

Undoubtedly, there is no doubt about the importance of social media on the modern life. As a example of the power that social media has today, we can say about the recent protests on Brazil against the president and her government’s corruption, which leaded thousands of people to the streets across the country, all organized by Facebook!

Today, social media has a very strong power of influence in the masses, reflecting the tastes and opinions of thousands of people. All of this gigantic amount of information is a gold mine to the companies, just waiting to be tapped.

Just imagine that you are the director of a area responsible for developing new products for a gaming company. Now, imagine if you could use the social medias to analyse the reactions of the players to the trailers and news your company releases on the internet. That information could be crucial to discover, for example, that your brand new shinning multiplayer mode is angering your audience, because of a new weapon your development team thought it would be awesome, but to the players feel extreme unbalanced.

Now imagine that you are responsible for the public relations of a oil company. Imagine that a ecological NGO start launching a “attack” at your company’s image on the social networks, saying that your refinery’s locations are bad for the ecosystems, despise your company’s efforts on reforestation. Without a proper tool to quickly analyse the data flowing on the social networks, it may be too late to revert the damage on the company’s image, with hundreds of people “flagellating” your company on the Internet. This may not seen important at first, until you realize that some companies you provide your fuel start buying less from you, because they are worried with their own image on the market, by associating themselves with you. More and more, the companies are realizing the importance of how positive is the image of their brands on the eyes of their customers, a term also known as “brand health”.

This “brand’s health” metric is very important on the marketing area, already influencing several companies to enter on the social media monitoring field, providing partial or even complete solutions to a brand’s health monitoring tool, many times on a SAAS model. Examples of companies that provide this kind of service are Datasift, Mention and Gnip.

Sentimental analysis

A very important metric on the brand’s health monitoring is the sentimental analysis. In a simple statement, sentimental analysis is exactly what the name says: is the analysis of the “sentiment” the author of a given text is feeling about the subject of a given text he wrote about, been classified as negative, neutral or positive. Of course, it is very clear how important this metric is for most of the analysis, since is the key to understand the quality of your brand’s image on the perspective of your public.

But how does this work? How is it possible to analyse someone’s sentiments? This is a field still on progress, but there’s already some techniques been applied for this task, such as keywords scoring (presence of words such as curses, for example), polarities scores to balance the percentage a sentence is positive, neutral and negative in order to analyse the overall sentiment of the text and so on. At the end of this post, there is a article from Columbia’s University about sentimental analysis of Twitter posts, that the reader can use as a starting point to deepen on the details of the techniques involved on the subject.

Big Data

As the reader may have already guessed, we are talking about a big volume of data, that grows very fast, is unstructured, has mixed veracity – since we can have both valuable and non-valuable information among our dataset – and has a enormous potential of value for our analysis, since are the opinions and tastes – or the “soul” – of our costumers. As we have see previously on my first post about Big Data, this data qualifies on the famous “Vs” that are always talked about when we heard about Big Data. Indeed, generally speaking, most of the tools used on this kind of solution can be classified as Big Data’s solutions, since they are processing amounts of data with this characteristics, heavily using distributed systems concepts. Just remember: It is not always that because it uses social media, that it is Big Data!

A practical exercise

Now, let’s see a simple practical exercise, just to see a little of the things we talked about working on practice. On this hands-on, we will make a simple Python script. This Python script will connect to Twitter, to the public feed to be more precise, filtering everything with the keyword “coca-cola”. Then, it will make a sentimental analysis on all the tweets provided by the feed, using a library called TextBlob that provides us with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities and finally it will print all the results on the console. So, without further delay, let’s begin!


On this lab, we will use Python 3. I am using Ubuntu 15.04, so Python is already installed by default. If the reader is using a different OS, you can install Python 3 by following this link.

We will also use virtualenv. Virtualenv is a tool used to create independent Python’s environments on our development machine. This is useful to isolate the dependencies and versions of libraries between Python applications, eliminating the problems of installing the libraries on the global Python’s installation of the OS. To install Virtualenv, please refer to this link.

Set up

To start our set up, first, let’s create a virtual environment. To do this, we open a terminal and type:

virtualenv –python=python3.4 twitterhandson

This will create a folder called twitterhandson, where we can see that a complete Python environment was created, including executables such as pip and python itself. To use Virtualenv, enter the twitterhandson folder and input:

source bin/activate

After entering the command, we can see that our command prompt got a prefix with the name of our environment, as we can see on the screen bellow:

 That’s all we need to do in order to use Virtualenv. If we want to close, just type exit on the console.

Using a IDE

On this lab, I am using Pycharm, a powerfull Python’s IDE developed by Jetbrains. The IDE is not required for our lab, since any text editor will suffice, but I recommend the reader to experiment the IDE, I am sure you will like it!

Downloading module dependencies

On Python, we have modules. A module is a python file where we can have definitions of variables, functions and classes, that we can reuse later on more complex scripts. For our lab, we will use Pip to download the dependencies. Pip is a tool recommended by Python used to manage dependencies, something like what Maven do for us in the Java World. To use it, first, we create on our virtualenv root folder a file called requirements.txt and put the following inside:


The dependencies above are necessary to use the NLP library and use the Twitter API. To make Pip download the dependencies, first we activate the virtual environment we created previously and then, on the same folder of our txt file, we input:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

After running the command above, the modules should be downloaded and enabled on our virtualenv environment.

Using sentimental analysis on other languages

On this post, we are using TextBlob, which sadly has only english as supported language for sentimental analysis – he can translate the text to other languages using Google translator, but of course is not the same as a analyser specially designed to process the language. If the reader wants a alternative to process sentimental analysis on other languages as well, such as Portuguese for example, is there a REST API from a company called BIText – which provides the sentimental analysis solution for Salesforce’s Marketing products – that I have tested and provides very good results. The following link points for the company’s API page:


Creating the Access Token

Before we start our code, there is one last thing we need to do: We need to create a access token, in order to authenticate our calls on Twitter to obtain the data from the public feed. In order to do this, first, we need to create a Twitter account, on Twitter.com. With a account created, we create a access token, following this tutorial from Twitter.

Developing the script

Well, now that all the preparations were made, let’s finally code! First, we will create a file called config.py. On that file, we will create all the constants we will use on our script:

accesstoken='<access token>’
accesstokensecret='<access token secret>’
consumerkey='<consumer key>’
consumerkeysecret='<consumer key secret>’

And finally, we will create a file called twitter.py, where we will code our Python script, as the following:

from config import *
from textblob import TextBlob
from nltk import downloader
import tweepy

class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
    def on_status(self, status):
        print('A TWEET!')
        blob = TextBlob(status.text)
        for sentence in blob.sentences:

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumerkey, consumerkeysecret)
auth.set_access_token(accesstoken, accesstokensecret)


myStreamListener = MyStreamListener()
myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth=auth, listener=myStreamListener)

stream = tweepy.Stream(auth, myStreamListener)
stream.filter(track=['coca cola'], languages=['en'])

On the first time we run the example, the reader may notice that the script will download some files. That is because we have to download the resources for the NLTK library, a dependency from TextBlob, which is the real NLP processor that TextBlob uses under the hood. Beginning our explanation of the script, we can see that we are creating a OAuth handler, which will be responsible for managing our authentication with Twitter. Then, we instantiate a listener, which we defined at the beginning of our script and pass him as one of the args for the creation of our stream and then we start the stream, filtering to return just tweets with the words “coca cola” and on the english language. According to Twitter documentation, it is advised to process the tweets asynchronously, because if we process them synchronous, we can lose a tweet while we are still processing the predecessor. That is why tweepy requires us to implement a listener, so he can collect the tweets for us and order them to be processed on our listener implementation.

On our listener, we simply print the tweet, use the TextBlob library to make the sentimental analysis and finally we print the results, which are calculated sentence by sentence. We can see the results from a run bellow:

RT @GeorgeLudwigBiz: Coca-Cola sees a new opportunity in bottling billion-dollar #startups http://t.co/nZXpFRwQOe
RT @momosdonuts: I told y’all I change things up often! Delicious, fluffy, powdered and caramel drizzled coca-cola cake. #momosdonuts http:…
vanilla coca-cola master race

tho i have yet to find a place where they sell imports of the british version
RT @bromleyfthood: so sei os covers e coca cola dsanvn I vote for @OTYOfficial for the @RedCarpetBiz Rising Star Award 2015 #RCBAwards
RT @LiPSMACKER_UK: Today, we’re totally craving Coca-Cola! http://t.co/V140SADKok
RT @woodstammie8: Early production of Coca Cola contained trace amounts of coca leaves, which, when processed, render cocaine.
RT @designtaxi: Coca-Cola creates braille cans for the blind http://t.co/cCSvJLv7O0 http://t.co/UA0PGoheO2
Instrus, weed, Coca-Cola y snacks.
1 Korean Coca-Cola Bottle in GREAT CONDITION Coke Bottle Coke Coca Cola http://t.co/IHhxoJ7aMz
Fanny#day#Good… https://t.co/5PU7L4QchC
Entry List for Coca-Cola 600 #NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at Charlotte Motor Speedway is posted, 48 drivers entered http://t.co/UYXPdOP9te
@diannaeanderson + walk, get some Coca-Cola, and spend some time reading. Lord knows I need to de-stress.
Apply now to work for Coca-Cola #jobs http://t.co/ReFQUIuNeK http://t.co/KVTvyr1e6T
RT @jayski: Entry List for Coca-Cola 600 #NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at Charlotte Motor Speedway is posted, 48 drivers entered http://t.…
RT @SeyiLawComedy: When you enter a fast food restaurant and see their bottle of Coca-Cola drink (35cl) is N800; You just exit like » http:…
Entry List for Coca-Cola 600 #NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at @CLTMotorSpdwy is posted, 48 drivers entered http://t.co/c2wJAUzIeQ

The reader may notice that the sentimental analysis of the tweets could be more or less inaccurate to what the sentiment of the author really was, using our “human analysis”. Indeed, as we have talked before, this field is still improving, so it will take some more time for us to rely 100% on this kind of analysis


As we can see, it was pretty simple to construct a program that connects to Twitter, runs a sentimental analysis and print the results. Despise some current issues with the accuracy of the sentimental analysis, as we talked about previously, this kind of analysis are already a really powerfull tool to explore, that companies can use to improve their perception of how the world around them realize their existences. Thank you for following me on another post, until next time.

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Big Data – final part


Welcome, dear reader, to the last post in our series on Big Data. If the reader has not read the previous posts in this series, the links can be found at the end of this post, or in the menus, “Big Data” section. In this final post, we will discuss some interesting cases in the use of Big Data in order to demonstrate how it has been used by the market. If the reader wants to know more about any case in particular, the reference links to them can be found at the end of this post.

 HealthMap: preventing diseases

Driven by the need to monitor the progress of epidemics around the world, the HealthMap tool was created by researchers in Boston. It uses various data sources such as social media, local news, etc in order to predict the progress of the diseases across the globe. The tool was highlighted in the media recently as predicted the emergence of Ebola in Guinea nine days before the WHO announcement.

 Google: better efficience on the data sources

Possessing the world’s largest search engine, and other solutions such as cloud computing, Google has huge data centers to support its operation. Through a Big Data solution that collects various information such as power consumption, temperature, CPU power, memory, etc, was possible to establish a quickly number of measures that improved the performance of the data center, such as adjustments in the cooling system, thereby preventing temperature peaks that compromise the performance of the equipment, and increases energy consumption.

 Target: predicting consumer behavior

Target retail company, with branches in several countries such as USA and Australia, has implemented an interest case of Big Data. Using sales data and navigation of its customers, extracted through its channels such as E-Commerce, the retailer can trace their customers behavior, providing what products they would be more interested in purchasing. Gained prominence in the media predicting the products to offer for pregnant women, where through the purchases of a customer, the solution detects that it is a pregnant women and through promotional email offers for the products that will be interested in acquiring on the next week of pregnancy.

  Ford: vehicle real-time analysis

The famous car manufacturer has implemented a Big Data solution very innovative, which involves collecting data from customers’ own cars in real time. Through sensors, data of the engine and other parts of the cars are sent in real time to Ford’s data centers, which use the data for applications such as the correction of design engineering of future releases, preventive maintenance and offers greater flexibility in recalls detection.


And so, we conclude our first journey in the world of Big Data. It is clear, however, that we will not stop here: I promise the reader to continue evolving our studies in Big Data. Please be sure to follow my blog, where I intend to start a series of hands-on, where we will see more of the key technologies associated with Big Data put it in practice. I thank all who have accompanied me in this series and I wish you all much success in your careers, whether in the world of big data or not. Thank you

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Big Data – part 4


Welcome, dear reader, to another post in our series on Big Data. If the reader has not read the previous posts in this series, the links can be found at the end of this post, or in the menus, “Big Data” section. In this post, we will cover a technology that has gained quite popularity in the world of Big Data: The Apache Spark.


Created in Berkeley University by AMPLab, the goal of Spark is to provide a computer model, according to the official website, up to 100x faster than a conventional mapreduce Hadoop job. But how it hopes to achieve this performance improvement?


Such gain is based on this one point in Hadoop mapreduce model. During the execution of a Hadoop job, we have 3 times when the data is “stored” in the processing:

  • At initial processing, before the map step;
  • In the midst of processing, when the data filtered by the map phase is being stored for later stages of sort and reduce;
  • At the end of the processing, when the final result is delivered;

In Hadoop, on these three aforementioned moments, we have an IO disk consumption, because the data is stored on disk, rather than kept in memory, including the intermediate step between the steps of map and reduce. In a production environment of Big Data, it is common to have iterative jobs, running several times on a given body of data, using the result of the previous run as input for the next run. It is precisely in this scenario that the Spark has its biggest gain: keeping the data in memory, the access / write of the data becomes much faster, thus ensuring the announced earnings. From this seemingly simple change, the Spark project, which allows constructing jobs following the BSP model (Bulk Synchronous Parallel), was born keeping as much as possible of the data in memory within a run, thus ensuring a fast and scalable computational model. In the picture below we can see the architecture of the Spark and its subprojects, which we will discuss below

Complementary modules

From the Spark initial project, 4 subprojects were born, that complement his use. All these modules are already part of the default installation of Spark and they are:

Spark SQL: Similar to what is the Hive for Hadoop, Spark SQL brings a language similar to SQL for data query on a Spark installation;

Spark Streaming: Spark streaming allows the build of streaming style applications, where the data can be read / written during the processing, instead of the traditional model, where results from a process can only be delivered at the end of a execution;

MLlib: Equivalent to Apache Mahout, allows the construction of machine learning processes. Machine learning is a field within computer science, where using of statistical and logical rules, programs can “learn” and draw your own conclusions from a mass of data provided as input, simulating a human reasoning;

GraphX: The Spark GraphX allows processing to be built in the Graph format, allowing the resolution of problems through algorithms like Pert, BFS and DFS.

Spark & Hadoop

The reader may be wondering at this point: may I use Spark or Hadoop in my Big Data project? Like everything in the world of technology, this is no simple answer. Several factors may influence this decision, not only technical, but also business, such as the absence, to date, of major players that provide distributions with commercial support, unlike Hadoop that already has commercial distributions of weight as Cloudera and Hortonworks. Due to his complementary nature – Spark integrates with most of the components that make up Hadoop – however, it is possible that Spark could go for a complementary technology over than a competing platform. An example of this is the distribution of Cloudera itself, which provides a Hadoop distribution that also has a Spark distribution. Thus, we have as an increasingly scenario, the combination of the two technologies, rather than using only one of the two. After all, why should we use only 1, if we can enjoy the best that each has to offer us?


And so we come to the conclusion of another chapter of our series. In the next and last post in our series, we will examine some cases of the use of Big Data in the world, in order that we see in practice all the benefits that the Big Data can offer us. Until next time.
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Big Data – part 3


In this post we will proceed to our series on Big Data. If the reader has not read the previous posts in this series, the links can be found at the end of this post, or the menus, “Big Data” section.

In this post, we will discuss one of the most popular technologies of the moment in the development of Big Data solutions: Apache Hadoop.


Hadoop was created in 2005 by two developers, Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella. The symbol of Hadoop, the famous yellow elephant, it is Mike’s son toy elephant, and the name “Hadoop” is the elephant’s name. In the video below we can see the co-creator in an interview, talking about the challenges of data mining:


Speaking of the Hadoop architecture, we can separate into 2 main parts, consisting of two clusters:

  1. One part consists of a cluster that implements a distributed file system, known as HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System);
  2. The second part consists of another cluster, which provides an environment for executing programs written following the MapReduce model. If the reader does not know what is mapreduce, we address this point in Part 2 of our series;

Lets examine, in general, each of these clusters:


The HDFS, Hadoop file storage system consists of a system that allows files to be stored across multiple nodes (servers). When we insert a file in the cluster, either through the command line interface and / or its REST interface, or when we have mapreduce processes generating processing of output files, the HDFS makes a “break” of the file into several smaller files – by default, parts of 64MB – and distributes the files across the nodes, managing details on run time as the number of copies that each part must have, remaking this balancing in case of a cluster node falls. All this break is transparent to the developer because the cluster will make the mounting in every query made through the interfaces.

A HDFS cluster consists of two components:

  1. NameNodes: Central cluster component, responsible for managing the assembly metadata – used to reconstruct the original files – and make the management of the files in the cluster;
  2. DataNodes: “Physical” component of the cluster, responsible for making the read / write of the files on the disk. Each node has its DataNode, which performs the read / write on the server disk that is running;

PS: Na versão 2.0 do Hadoop, um novo componente foi incluso no HDFS, chamado YARN (Yet Another Resource NameNode), cujo objetivo principal é fornecer uma camada a mais de interface entre os usuários do HDFS e o mesmo. Graças a essa melhoria, podemos ter no cluster também diversos NameNodes para efetuar o gerenciamento dos arquivos, evitando assim o problema da possível perda de um cluster HDFS no caso de problemas irrecuperáveis com os NameNodes, como no caso do Hadoop 1.0, onde tinhamos, tipicamente, apenas dois processos de NameNode, sendo um deles para mecanismo de failover.

Mapreduce cluster

The mapreduce cluster  consists of a cluster which performs the execution of mapreduce processes. Typically, the input / output of a mapreduce job in Hadoop is with HDFS using the NameNode (YARN in version 2.0) to interface the cluster with the HDFS. The following are the components of a  MapReduce cluster:

  1. JobTracker: Component that interface the cluster with the developers, makes the management of process execution, identifying with the NameNode from the HDFS cluster where each part of the input data is to be processed, indicating for TaskTrackers which part of the data to process, and manages the beginning and end of each stage of processing;
  2. TaskTracker:Component that receives from the JobTracker the instructions for executing jobs, which parts of the mass of data it is responsible for processing, and report to the JobTracker when processing is complete;
  3. Task: Smaller cluster unit, the Task is responsible for making the processing itself. Each task can be performed in a JVM instance initiated during process execution, or it can be instantiated in a JVM already started with other Tasks running, according to the specified memory consumption settings in the cluster;

Hadoop complementary software

Several software was created to complement the use of Hadoop, or even built from the same. A brief description of some of them:

  • Mahout: Allows you to use machine learning techniques for data analysis in hadoop;
  • Sqoop: Allows integrate HDFS with relational databases;
  • Hive: Allows consultations in HDFS more easy way, through SQL commands;
  • Hama: Allow the development of jobs in Hadoop on other models besides the mapreduce, as the BSP;
  • HBase: NoSQL database, built under the HDFS;

In future posts, we will discuss this software in more detail.


And so, we concluded one more post of our series. With the growth of projects and solutions in Big Data worldwide, the hadoop has grown a lot as a market-leading technology, already having market implementations of large players like Cloudera and Hortonworks. In the next post, we will address other well known technology in the world of Big Data: the Spark. Until next time.

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Big Data – part 2


This is the second part of a series of posts on Big Data.On this post, let’s talk about the two most popular distributed  processing models of Big Data, the mapreduce, and the BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel). A process model is a kind of algorithm upon which to develop software.

Mapreduce model

Modelo map reduce

In the figure above, we can see the mapreduce model. This model is widely used in the market today, especially in companies that use Hadoop as her main Big Data technology. The model consists of two well-defined steps, called map and reduce:

  • In the step known as Map, hundreds – or even thousands – of parallel processes, called “threads”, perform a type of task called mapping, where a large mass of data is divided into pieces, and each performs a filtering process within a respective piece, creating a mass of values in the key-value format. At the end of this phase, there is a group phase, where the values for the same key are grouped to form data in the format key: {value1, value2, value3 …. valueN};
  • In the step known as reduce, the data generated by the map phase is again divided into pieces and passed to hundreds or even thousands of processes that perform processing on the received data bits and generate as a key-value output, which is the final output of the processing that is finally grouped into a mass of results;

In a future post, we’ll take a hands-on hadoop, where we can see an example of this processing model in practice with the WordCount.

BSP Model (Bulk Synchronous Parallel)


Although widespread, the mapreduce model is not without its drawbacks. When we talk about the model being applied in the context of Hadoop, for example, all of the cluster steps and mounting of the final mass with the results is done through files on the file system of Hadoop, HDFS, which generates an overhead in performance when it has to perform the same processing in a iterative manner.Another problem is that for graph algorithms such as DFS, BFS or Pert, MapReduce model is not satisfactory. For these scenarios, there is the BSP.

In the BSP algorithm, we have the concept of supersteps. A superstep consists of a unit of generic programming, which through a global communication component, makes thousands of parallel processing on a mass of data and sends it to a “meeting” called synchronization barrier. At this point, the data are grouped, and passed on to the next superstep chain. In this model, it is simpler to construct iterative workloads, since the same logic can be re-executed in a flow of supersteps. Another advantage pointed out by proponents of this model is that it has a simpler learning curve for developers coming from the procedural world.

Speaking in terms of platforms, Hadoop has the Apache Hama as implementation of this model. The main competitor of Hadoop, Spark, come with this feature natively.


And so we conclude another part of our series on Big Data. To date, these are the main models used by the Big Data platforms. As a technology booming, it is natural that in the future we could have more models emerging and gaining their adoption shares. In the next parts of our series, we’ll talk about the two most known implementations of Big Data to date: Hadoop and Spark. U.

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Big Data – part 1


This is a series of posts that will be published, in order to elucidate the concept of Big Data.

In this first part, we will start a discussion on what is Big Data. In future posts, we’ll talk about new processing models that try to address the problem, and new technologies that are emerging to put into practice these concepts.

My posts are based on the idea of collaboration. Please all who wish to contribute to the discussion, feel free to do so, bringing more knowledge and experience for all.

Let’s start our series talking about what is, after all, Big Data.

 The explosion of data

Never in the world has the production of data been so big. According to infographic produced by IBM, 100 terabytes of data are produced every day only on Facebook, 294 billion emails are sent daily and 230 billion tweets are made every day! (Source)

This huge amount of data produces a phenomenon known in the world of big data as the 5 Vs:

Volume: Huge amounts of data being produced;

Velocity: Amounts of data being produced at a very high speed;

Variety: Amounts of data being produced in different structures that nonetheless may have intrinsic relations. The content sent by e-mail a user has a close relationship with the tweets that it is (are data produced by the same user, which may refer to the same subject), but they have a completely different structure;

Veracity: In a world where large amounts of data are produced at high speed, and in different formats, it is more difficult to get data “cleaned up”, without incompleteness problems or even duplicity. The email you sent with the cake recipe of your grandmother is the same one when you published it on Facebook, just in a different formats;

Value: All these data have a high value for the business, as they bring information about the behavior, beliefs and preferences of its customers;

To resolve this issue, were developed processing models, using a technique called distributed processing. In the next post, we’ll talk more about them.

For those who have more interest in knowing about the “Vs”, this presentation is a good reference:

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